

How To Teach Your Child, Tips For Everyday Learning

The more curious a child is, the more they learn. Therefore, nurturing a child’s curiosity in the most important way can help themin becoming them a lifelong learner. Parents are the key to their child’s success in their personal and professional life. Everything a parent do with his /her child –from the day a child is born –helps them get ready for success in life and in school.

When parents hold and comfort their baby,they are helping them feel safe so that child can develop confidence; which will be required in the school. When we play with our child,we are helping them in developing social skills, curiosity and reasoning that are important in school.

We, as parents can do many things that will help our child in developing the skills that they need to succeed in school.

As we become parents,after months of listening to our baby babble, it’s a thrilling experience when a child finally says a word –whether it is mamma, baba, dada etc. While this process is a natural part of development,but talking to your baby right from birth helps a child to speak earlier. In fact, experts believe that chatting up your child is one of the most effective ways to give them a head start in life.

And yes, it is very interesting when our child repeats the same wordings which we use in everyday life, while speaking with them. As a mother,I often experience the same thing. It is easy to teach my daughter as she is so young – all I need to do is to keep up a running commentary and she repeats whatever I teach to her. I think the more we get involved with our child at home,the better a child will do at school, academically and socially.

There are some important methods which parents should use while they are teaching to their kids. These are –


Learning by observation:-


There is no secret that young children learn by watching the world around them. However, whether a child is young or old, he learns by observing the behaviour of the adults around him/her.Babies and toddlers learn by observing adults, even when those adults aren't intentionally trying to teach them anything. For example, you're bound to catch your child pretending to talk on the phone, using any object he/she has at his/her disposal. Your child is learning how things work and what to do with them just by observing you. You must be careful, however, because kids at this age are also incredibly good at imitating behaviours you don't want them to, such as cussing or throwing things when you're angry.

Encourage Natural interests :-


Children learn much more through activities that capture their attention and imagination. Suppose if a child is interested in music or dance,make and play instruments and dance together.

Answer questions simply and according to their child’s development:-


It is very important to answer each and every question of a child in simple language in which they can understand. And no matter whatever be the age of a child; always ask what their thoughts are before answering the question.

If you do not have the answer ,say so :-


Let your little one know that it is ok not to have all the answers. This also provides an opportunity for you to go to library or search on internet if you have any doubt regarding any query of a child.

Create an interesting environment :-


Children are more curious about their surroundings .We should give safe toys to our kids to explore, it will help them in creating an interesting environment and they will learn something from it.

Redirect, don’t discourage:-


Always remember as parents that we should not discourage our children, even if it is boring or irritating while answering their questions. Try to shift their focus on other activities.

Allow time for open-ended activities:-


Unlike some toys that are designed to be used in same way, materials like boxes, blocks, pans, pots and any art material,can be used creatively. Do not tell a child what to do with the particular object,let your child’s curiosity be his guide.

Help children learn social and personal skills:-


Comfort your baby when a child cries .Hug and praise your child often. A child will learn to love and trust you and others.

Help children learn language and literacy skills:-


Talk with your child from the day a child is born. Sing songs, play word games, read with your child every day, give children crayons and paper to draw on etc these are some activities which will help a child in learning.

Help your child learn scientific thinking:-


Go for walks often with child, encourage curiosity by asking the things they see, hear, or smell while talking with you. It will help in developing scientific thinking among children.

Social skills:-


We can help children in learning social skills as well by talking about families, showing pictures, books and by visiting interesting places such as museum and parks.



To sum up, I would say that children learn skills and self-confidence from experiences at home, at child care, in head Start or preschool – wherever there is a loving environment with learning activities. Young children are most curious till 5 years, because their brain is developing in that age. Therefore, by focusing and exploring interesting activities during these years can help child in attaining a successful life, be it academic, personal or professional.

Please note: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of mycity4kids. Any omissions or errors are the author's and mycity4kids does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

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